Fiscal Sponsors Network Gathering
Coordinators: Toni Moceri, Stephanie Wong and Joe Lewis
Fiscal sponsors serve a growing and essential role in resourcing our movements. This network gathering will provide space to cultivate a collaborative community of fiscal sponsors that are aligned in values and work to support each other. This gathering will include fiscal sponsors that serve movement-building projects that are creating new liberatory ways of being and are majority led by and made up of BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and directly impacted communities. Together, we will get to know each other as people and fiscal sponsors and work towards creating a vision for how we want to evolve the field of fiscal sponsorship, build power, and care for each other. Participating fiscal sponsors will come away with a deeper sense of trust and connectedness with each other, shared principles to guide our work, and a toolkit for self care and inspiration to support us in our day-to-day as fiscal sponsors.
As fiscal sponsors, we rely on a team of folks in our organizations to make our work happen. This network gathering is open to your fiscal sponsorship team, however you define it, from one to five people per organization.
This will be the first of a three-part network gathering that will kick off during this year’s Allied Media Conference .
Monday, July 20, 2pm ET via Zoom
Please contact Toni at