Reimagining Documentary
Coordinators: ligaiya romero, Darian Henry, Rahi Hasan & Ashley Lin
How can documentary storytelling be used as a tool for justice, equity, and liberation? The “Reimagining Documentary” Network Gathering brings together BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or People-of-Color) documentarians and media-based organizers. Moving at the speed of trust, we will use the network gathering to identify shared values, share skills, and strategize across intergenerational spaces.
Call for Participation
We welcome BIPOC (Black, Indigenous & People of Color) media-makers using documentary in their work toward justice, equity, and liberation. Participants will engage in several workshops designed to share and expand resources, strengthen relationships, and build alignment within our community. How are we breaking out of the constant cycle of getting pissed off in predominantly white film spaces? How have documentary media makers worked to dismantle the colonial gaze and fight back against extractive storytelling practices? And how can we move beyond the conversation, developing our own center of gravity, our own methods for community care and narrative sovereignty?
The Reimagining Documentary network gathering is only open to documentary filmmakers and media-based organizers who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color.
ligaiya romero (they, them, theirs) at reimagining.documentary with questions