Announcing the Shape of AMC2022
Organizing in light of COVID-19
The 22nd Allied Media Conference will convene nationally online and in-person for residents of Detroit, Metro Detroit, and communities throughout Michigan | June 30th – July 3rd, 2022

“We never know how our small activities will affect others through the invisible fabric of our connectedness. In this exquisitely connected world, it’s never a question of ‘critical mass.’ It’s always about critical connections.”
Grace Lee Boggs
When the Allied Media Conference entered into our Chrysalis year in 2019, we couldn’t foresee how that moment would mark the beginning of an ongoing practice of adaptation. What began as an opportunity for us to turn inward to reflect on the growth and shape of the AMC, has become a deeper lesson on what it means to hold change with intention.
Today, we continue to wrestle with the ever-changing realities of an ongoing global pandemic and climate collapse. As we enter into a new conference season, we are asking ourselves; what does it mean to gather now? How are we holding change? How are we grieving? What is the gift of this moment?
Like so many of you, we are deeply moved by exploring what is possible. Digging our hands deep into rich soil, decomposing what was, and planting the seeds of what will be – in hopes to grow the world anew.
We know that our community trusts us to organize an AMC rooted in care for ourselves, each other, more-than-human kin, and the planet. As we look forward to the 22nd Allied Media Conference, we’re excited to announce the shape of next year’s convening.
About the hybrid conference
AMC2022 will be a hybrid conference, convening national participants online and curating a hyper-local, in-person convening for Detroiters, Metro Detroit residents, and communities throughout Michigan (occupied Anishinaabe, Peoria, and Meskwaki land).
We’re excited to organize new opportunities to support our national and international communities to participate in the virtual conference.
What does virtual participation look like?
AMC2022’s virtual container will be filled with the same dynamic, life-affirming, and transformative content you come to experience during the conference. From the opening ceremony to mind-blowing sessions to AMC@NIGHT performances, you can expect a conference experience rooted in care, accessibility, and joy.
We’re excited to pilot AMCPods as an opportunity for you to gather with up to 10 of your closest comrades to experience the virtual conference together. Originally developed by Mia Mingus and the Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective, pods and pod-mapping are tools designed for community-based responses to harm. Pods have since expanded to refer to the community that we can call upon in times where support is needed.
We ask you to reflect – Where are my roots? Why is place-based organizing important? Which place(s) am I accountable to? How can I think globally but act locally in this moment of compounding global crisis for people and the planet?
Look for more information about AMCPods this spring 2022.
What kinds of content will the AMC host online?
- Tracks / sessions
- Selected Network Gatherings convening online
- Plenary sessions
- Ceremonies
- AMC@NIGHT virtual concerts and live DJ sets
What does participation look like in Detroit?
For the AMC, Detroit is important as a source of innovative, collaborative, low-resource solutions. The revolutionary movements of our city (historical and current) have guided the conference’s growth, mission, and values for over 10 years. As a participatory-design conference, we can’t imagine AMC2022 without relying upon the brilliance of Detroit. We are excited to co-create an in-person conference that centers and deepens the liberatory organizing and transformative vision of our community.
What kinds of content will the AMC host in Detroit?
- Selected Network Gatherings with a focus on Detroit organizing
- Shaping Change track sessions led by Detroiters
- All plenary sessions (also live-streamed online)
- Opening and closing ceremonies
- AMC@NIGHT parties at outdoor venues
- Supper Clubs hosted by community members
Where will the AMC be held in Detroit?
- Wayne State University (tentatively)
What happens next?
We’re gearing up to shape AMC2022 with 30 Tracks and Network Gathering coordinators and can’t wait to accept session proposals soon. Here are some updates to look out for over the next few months:
- Fall – AMC2022 Tracks and Network Gatherings announcement
- December – Call for sessions launch
- Spring – AMCPods applications launch
We have a vast reserve of ancestral and ecological technologies to remind us – this is not our apocalypse. Our communities will continue to survive, thrive, and adapt just as we always have. We hope future years offer us the opportunity to widely convene this beautiful, mycelial network of organizers and media-makers in person safely and responsibly.
As always, we encourage you to reach out to us at to share any feedback and questions.